Search Results
Day 1 after implanting a Paul Glaucoma Implant in the Sulcus behind a PI
Inferonasal Paul Glaucoma Implant introduced via the Sulcus and into the AC through a small PI
Attempted Trans-Sulcus Anterior Chamber Fixation of a Paul Glaucoma Implant in Axenfeld-Riegers
Sulcus tube in a phakic eye - behind PI over ciliary processes
Sulcus-fixated Paul Glaucoma Impant - Occluded or Patent?
A Paul Glaucoma Implant on gonioscopy around 6 weeks after implantation
17 steps of PAUL Glaucoma Implantation.
Flushing stubborn Paul Glaucoma Implant during implantation
Paul Glaucoma Implant Surgery with Very Thin Sclera using an Underlay Beneath the Plate
PDR, Trauma, AC IOL and secondary glaucoma, controlled with Baerveldt + Paul Glaucoma Implants
Paul glaucoma implant (PGI) in childhood glaucoma - Supplementary video [ID 414183]
Paul Glaucoma Implants and Iris Stumps in Aniridia